🖥️User Guide Idle Cyber Marketplace
I. Introduce
This is a document to help players use Idle Cyber's Marketplace features
Buy the box from the publisher
Buy and sell items on the marketplace between players
II. Connect
1. Connect Metamask Wallet
Players access the link https://marketplace.idlecyber.com/, the system displays the Marketplace interface of Idle Cyber
Perform signing to complete the wallet connection
2. Connect Idle Cyber game account
From the main interface, after connecting to the Metamask wallet, the player proceeds to connect the Idle Cyber game account
Players enter the following information:
Check “I agree to the Term & Conditions”
Note: players need to create an account in the game before connecting to the marketplace
III. Cyber Box
Cyber Box is an item marketed by Idle Cyber
1. Buy Cyber Box
From the main interface, players click on the BUY BOX tab, the system displays the CYBER BOX interface
Cyber Box is sold with AFK tokens, so players need to prepare AFK tokens before making a box purchase
Information to note:
Box remaining: number of boxes remaining / Total number of boxes issued
What's in this box? : detailed description of the box
Drop Rate: item opening rate
The system will display the Checkout screen
Players check transaction information
Amount: purchase unit price
Quantity: quantity purchased
Total Amount: total purchase value
The system displays the payment confirmation screen on the Metamask wallet
Players click Confirm to proceed with payment for the number of boxes purchased
IV. Marketplace
Marketplace is where players buy, sell and exchange in-game items
1. Filter, search for items
From the main interface, players click on the MARKETPLACE tab, the system displays the Marketplace Idle Cyber interface
On Marketplace, traded items include: Heroes and Boxes
Tab Heroes
Sort by:
Recently list: sorted by time of selling heroes from near to far
Lowest price: sort by price from low to high
Highest price: sort by price from highest to lowest
Search: type characters to search by heroes name
Listed by me: filter heroes I've posted for sale
Class: filter heroes by profession
Elements: filter heroes by faction
Quality: filter heroes by rank (C->SS)
Tiers: filter heroes by star level (1->6 stars)
Price: filter heroes by price range (min - max)
Reset filter button: set the filter to default
Tab Boxes
Sort by:
Recently list: sort by the time of posting for sale boxes from near to far
Lowest price: sort by price from low to high
Highest price: sort by price from high to low
Listed by me: filter the boxes I've posted for sale
Price: filter boxes by price range (min - max)
Reset filter button: set the filter to default
2. Buy heroes
From the marketplace interface, players click the Heroes tab, the system displays a list of heroes being sold by other players
Items listed for sale on the marketplace will be traded through AFK tokens
Players filter, search for heroes to buy through the filter and search tool above
Click to select heroes to buy, the system displays detailed information of the item
Players should note the following parameters:
Hero's Tier: The higher the star level, the stronger the hero
Base Health
Base Attack
Attack Speed
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Attack Range
Skills: hero's skills
Amount: Hero's price
The system displays the transaction screen
Amount: purchase price
Fee: transaction fee
Total Amount: Total Value
Note: the marketplace deals with BUSD tokens, so players need to prepare this token in the Metamask wallet before proceeding with the transaction
The system displays the payment confirmation screen on the Metamask wallet
The player clicks Confirm to proceed with the payment for the hero selected to buy
3. Buy box
From the marketplace interface, players click on the Boxes tab, the system displays a list of Boxes being sold by other players
Items listed for sale on the marketplace will be traded through BUSD tokens
Players filter, search for boxes to buy through the filter and search tool above
Click on the boxes to buy, the system displays detailed information of the item
Amount: box price
Fee: transaction fee
Total Amount: total payment value
Note: the marketplace deals with BUSD tokens, so players need to prepare this token in the metamask wallet before proceeding with the transaction
The system displays the payment confirmation screen on the Metamask wallet
The player clicks Confirm to proceed with the payment for the selected box
V. Inventory
Inventory is the inventory of in-game items on the player's marketplace
1. Item inventory management
The system displays the item inventory interface
Items in stock include 2 types:
Boxes: the list of boxes has not been synced to the game
Heroes: list of heroes owned in the game
2. Synchronize boxes into the game
From the item inventory interface, the player clicks on the Box that needs to be synchronized into the game
The system displays the detailed interface of that box
After completing the synchronization, this box will disappear at the item inventory interface and be transferred into the game
Players proceed to log in to the game to check items
3. Listing boxes for sale on the marketplace
From the item inventory interface, the player clicks on the Box to be sold on the marketplace
The system displays the detailed interface of the box
Enter selling price BUSD
Sign the confirmation to complete the sale
4. Cancel the listing of boxes for sale on the marketplace
From the item inventory interface, the player clicks on the Box to cancel the listing for sale on the marketplace
The system displays the detailed interface of that box
Sign the confirmation to complete the order to cancel the box sale
5. Listing heroes on marketplace
From the item inventory interface, the player clicks on the hero that needs to be listed for sale on the marketplace
The system displays the detailed interface of that hero
Enter the selling price BUSD
Sign the confirmation to complete the sale
6. Cancel the listing of heroes on the marketplace
From the item inventory interface, the player clicks on the hero to cancel the listing for sale on the marketplace
The system displays the detailed interface of that hero
Sign the confirmation to complete the order to cancel the hero sale
Last updated