Convert: 100 mAFK = 1 AFK

mAFK is rewarded when players reach the required rank in the Grand Arena

Grand Arena is a tournament where players create 3 squads, then participate in 1 vs 1 and conduct automatic competition according to the system. Matches will be played at the same time with a 1-hour break between 2 consecutive seasons. During this 1 hour time, users can click to watch each match.

The number of rewards is listed below:

Withdraw limit:

  • Minimum Player's Level required to redeem AFK: Level 55

  • Minimum Player's Arena Point required to redeem AFK: 1000

  • Minimum amount of mAFK that can be withdrawn: 40,000 mAFK


Players can deposit AFK into IDLE CYBER at the rate of 1 AFK = 100 mAFK

Cost per redemption: 3% mAFK

Last updated